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Monday, April 19, 2010


Ahhh M. C. Escher ... how you continue to enthrall me.  I have had a fascination with Escher's amazingly impossible prints and drawings that seem to defy all of the laws of physics taught in school up until year 10 which is when I ran far, far away from practical sciences.  For me, there is nothing more satisfying than trying to nut out how a design works - especially when that design seems to disregard all logic.  There is something so fun and satisfying about letting your mind having to search for understanding in something which would generally seem so obvious.  I fall into an intense engagement with his work which continually brings me back again and again to the artist.  There's definitely something to learn in there for artists and designers alike.  A creative work should be thought provoking and unimaginable prior to its existence. Creativity should express the unexpressed and excite people, repel people, confuse people, delight people.  It should trigger a reaction or emotion each time that it is seen or used.  Design should engage people like Escher has engaged me after years and years of pouring over the same images in continual amazement of his impossible worlds.

M.C. Escher - 'Ascending and Descending'

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