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Monday, April 5, 2010

Stunning Cityscapes

So I know that this collection is somewhat old news but I thought it might be worth me checking out in relation to  my design concept which is about the culture of the Weimar Republic and its contrast between the reality of a collapsing society in post WWI Germany and the frivolous, creative hubs which flourished in the cities at that time.
Mikio Sakabe's final collection '20XX' for the Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts looks the idea of the sinister side of a city against it's more colourful, warmer interiors and uses some ideas of print and volume to help express this.  While Sakabe's silhouettes are very literal, for example actual silhouettes of buildings padded and cut into garments, he has been so clever with the way that they work with the garment and function almost as a print.  Teaming these 3D motifs back with his once again literal but absolutely stunning prints of the same ideas would have once again seemed too obvious to me, but he has really made it reflect this idea of the dark, seriousness of the city to the more relaxed, friendly world within it's interiors.
I sometimes find that this kind of literal translation between different design elements can become a bit expected but Sakabe really pulled this one off.  Everything has been appropriated just enough to keep it different from the last piece, leaving me wanting everything ... Now if only I had somewhere to wear a jacket of mini cities.


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